Great Relationship Advice- FROM—OMG– A GUY!

So often I come across people who put endless amounts of pressure on themselves to find a relationship but when they do it’s all too easy to carry that pressure into the relationship itself.

To want something so badly for so long – you could be forgiven for not knowing what to do with it now that it’s finally here.

So here is my simple guide to making a success of your new found love.


Be Yourself.

Firstly let’s get the obvious out of the way. An age old cliche but when it comes to relationships never was a truer word spoken. Have faith that who you are is enough because if it’s not then you are with the wrong person. It really is as simple as that.

Sometimes when we meet new people it’s very easy to disguise our flaws and occasionally adopt personality traits which deep down we know aren’t true to ourselves. But at the end of the day if this person really is ‘the one’ then who you are and I mean who you really are should always be enough. I’m a firm believer that there is at least one true love out there for everyone – don’t waste your time on those who don’t deserve it.

Don’t Get Ahead Of Yourself.

I admit, this can be difficult. When you meet someone you really click with enjoy it but try and stay grounded. If it’s meant to be then it will be – what’s the rush?

Talks of wedding bells and kids mere weeks into a relationship could be described as romantic but only if you’re both in the same place. Try and maintain a steady progression in the relationship don’t risk ruining things early on with signs of desperation. All these things will come in time, don’t sell yourself short with irrational expectations that will send them running for the hills.


Know What You Want.

One thing I’ve learnt from experience is to know exactly what you want from a relationship. Sometimes when we like someone enough we compromise everything we’ve ever wanted and as touching as that is it may lead to future resentment and ultimately a lifetime with the wrong person (see point one).

Have Fun.

As much as I don’t want you to blow your new relationship, I also don’t want you to stress about it. The beginning of a new relationship is one of the most incredible feelings you can experience in what can sometimes be a tough life – embrace it!

Make the most of every second. Stay positive and enjoy your new found blessing. Every single day is a new opportunity to create lifelong memories, give it a try.

Get To Know Your Partner.

Obviously you know each other to an extent otherwise you wouldn’t be a couple but I mean really get to know them. Find out what makes them tick, what makes them laugh and what makes them cry. Knowledge is power and understanding the way they work (as difficult as this sometimes is) will increase your chances of a successful relationship. Talk and be open with each other, no one ever enjoyed a closed book.


Overall, trust that you are on the right path whether it be for long-term success or for a further learning curve. Avoid over-analyzing and try to go with the flow, a relationship shouldn’t be a case study – let things flow.

If things don’t work out try not to be too downhearted. Time (and laughter) is a great healer and you just never know who else’s path is about to cross yours. When people tell you everything happens for a reason don’t doubt them or try and prove them wrong – just be patient.


*As written for

Twitter: @paulthomasbell


In previous postings of this series I have provided tips on how to save money on groceries and utilities. In todays posting, I am going to give you some tips that will help you get the most for your money when buying a used car.

Women are especially prime targets when they are shopping for a used vehicle. Most women don’t know anything about cars and are generally uninformed when it comes to purchasing vehicles – AND THE SELLERS KNOW IT!

The best way to buy a used vehicle is to purchase it from a reputable name brand dealership. Read reviews and reports on your local dealerships to establish your best options. The Better Business Bureau is a great place to start your research. The price may be a little higher than buying from a private party but there are other valuable benefits available to offset the increased costs. Most reputable dealerships complete a thorough inspection of the vehicle and repair any major issues before listing it for sale. Additionally many dealerships offer some type of warranty on their used vehicles which is something you will NEVER get from a private party.

The second best way to purchase a used vehicle is from a private party. There are things to look for and ask about when buying from a private party. Look for vehicles that have only had one owner and have low milage.  Look for vehicles that appear well cared for and maintained. Ask if they have maintenance records for the vehicle.  Once you have selected a vehicle, get a mechanic or knowledgeable friend to go with you to check out the vehicle. Many mechanics will do a reasonable inspection of the vehicle for about $60-$100. Also, make sure the title to the vehicle is clean and has no liens.

Whether you are buying from a reputable dealer or a private owner, always get a Carfax report on the vehicle(s) you are considering. Most dealerships offer a Carfax report at no charge. Finally, NEVER purchase a vehicle without comparing the price to the Kelley Blue Book evaluation.

Remember that when purchasing a used car you want to get the safest, most reliable vehicle for your money. So make sure you use every avenue available to make sure your next used vehicle purchase is the right one.